Prediabetic? Smash some misconceptions

As you go forward in your new low-carb life, you'll not only be explaining your diet (and thus your diagnosis and prediabetes itself) but you'll encounter a number of misconceptions about your condition, three of which I have come up against fairly regularly. The...

Prediabetic? Please explain

Of all the efforts you'll undertake on your prediabetes journey, explaining your diet—and, as an extension explaining your diagnosis and prediabetes itself—is one of the most persistent. You'll need stamina for this public relations marathon, so don't forget to eat...

Surprise! You’re prediabetic. What’s your strategy?

While all of us have the same benchmark of our blood sugar level to keep us rooted in reality, we may weigh progress on this benchmark differently and have varied expectations for change. Your first goal may be to simply stabilize, or to reduce by any amount, your blood sugar. My goal was to get to a ‘normal’ blood sugar reading as quickly as possible.

Surprise! You’re prediabetic—and ravenous

Your sense of satiety is something you may have taken for granted before your diagnosis.You may have waited until the waist of your pants began to strain just a little before you finished eating. But now that you have cut back on carbs, you will more than likely notice that the ‘fullness signals’ you previously relied upon are in flux.

Surprise! You’re prediabetic. The first days

Even if—in the face of your prediabetes diagnosis—you've remained calm and not gone cold turkey on carbs (congratulations!), the first few days of shifting your diet away from carbs will likely still be a real bear. This is especially true if you are in the habit of...

New year’s surprise: you’re prediabetic. Now exhale

Maybe you’ve not been getting your blood sugar checked regularly. Perhaps you assumed that you ate healthfully enough, exercised regularly enough, managed your stress well enough not to worry about such things—and asking your doctor about your sugar had never even occurred to you

New year, new (low-sugar) you

As the new year rolls around, it's common to hear people saying they're determined to lose weight, putting heavy expectations on themselves to fulfill their goal, and then get frustrated when they don't get immediate results or overdo their efforts in the short term...

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Prediabetic? Smash some misconceptions

As you go forward in your new low-carb life, you'll not only be explaining your diet (and thus your diagnosis and prediabetes itself) but you'll encounter a number of misconceptions about your condition, three of which I have come up against fairly regularly. The...

Prediabetic? Please explain

Of all the efforts you'll undertake on your prediabetes journey, explaining your diet—and, as an extension explaining your diagnosis and prediabetes itself—is one of the most persistent. You'll need stamina for this public relations marathon, so don't forget to eat...

Surprise! You’re prediabetic. What’s your strategy?

While all of us have the same benchmark of our blood sugar level to keep us rooted in reality, we may weigh progress on this benchmark differently and have varied expectations for change. Your first goal may be to simply stabilize, or to reduce by any amount, your blood sugar. My goal was to get to a ‘normal’ blood sugar reading as quickly as possible.

Surprise! You’re prediabetic—and ravenous

Your sense of satiety is something you may have taken for granted before your diagnosis.You may have waited until the waist of your pants began to strain just a little before you finished eating. But now that you have cut back on carbs, you will more than likely notice that the ‘fullness signals’ you previously relied upon are in flux.

Surprise! You’re prediabetic. The first days

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New year’s surprise: you’re prediabetic. Now exhale

Maybe you’ve not been getting your blood sugar checked regularly. Perhaps you assumed that you ate healthfully enough, exercised regularly enough, managed your stress well enough not to worry about such things—and asking your doctor about your sugar had never even occurred to you

New year, new (low-sugar) you

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